Grants for trainees

The student will pay all costs of transportation, accommodation, food, insurance company practices and linguistic preparation.

The EU Erasmus grants do not cover all the expenses incurred in the host country. They are an aid to the contribution of such expenses.
The grant the European Commission gives the student is approximately 300 euros per month.

There are additional aids from the state and community, compatible with any other grants.
During 2012/2013 the Ministry of Education has awarded scholarships to students in vocational education, amounting to 100 € per month, and additionally another 85 € to students who have received general scholarship of the Ministry of Education during the 2011-2012 academic year. (Order ECD/980/2013 , on May 24. BOE 03/06/2013).

The Autonomous Community of Extremadura also gives a grant to Erasmus students with 722 euros, whenever the household per capita income does not exceed € 15,000. (DOE July 19, 2012).

The students who are not granted by the European Commission may also receive the grant from the Ministry of Education and the Autonomous Community of Extremadura, provided they meet the requirements.